You are currently viewing #78 Art Collaborations
Suzanne Redmond

#78 Art Collaborations

When artists collaborate with one another, they are able to achieve something together that they cannot achieve alone.  Collaboration can be a fun and lucrative arrangement, and it’s something all artists should consider. In this episode I go over what you should think about when choosing a partner, and what you should discuss before working together. I also give many examples of great collaborative opportunities.

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This episode was inspired by the art mural collaboration of Kole Trent and Nick Ringelstetter. They collaborated on many murals at a middle school. You can hear my interview with Kole in episode #77 and Nick in episode #75.

I've collaborated with Anthony Burks and Trina Slade-Burks when they've created their yearly pop-up gallery Continuum. I help them with the areas that fit my expertise. (How do you like the fascinator I'm wearing at their black tie and sneakers event?)
And here are Anthony and Trina with their main collaborator Craig McInnis (Craig is on the left, their son is on the right). Anthony and Craig have also collaborated on paintings that they sell at their pop-up gallery.