Artist Amanda Grace has the mission is to help people recover, express, and care for their creative expression of Self. She’s used journaling for self-expression and discovery in her live classes for years, and now she is offering some great online classes as well as two art retreats in Ireland in 2019. Her journaling classes help you to develop a creative practice using a combination of writing, painting, and collage.
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Amanda Grace

Here are some links to Amanda’s offerings and other things we discussed in this episode:
You can visit Amanda’s website at
You can also find Amanda on Instagram @amandajgrace.
Her Facebook account is Pilgrim Soul, and you can join her free Facebook community called Pilgrims on Deck.
Amanda offers a Sunday newsletter. Subscribe for exclusive content, inspiration, reflection and resources for your creative recovery, here.
Amanda’s retreat on the west coast of Ireland will be held April 3-7, 2019 and September 28- October 2, 2019. These are 5-day all-inclusive retreats. Here is the link for more information. Croí: The Art of Receiving.

Amanda’s RAW 4 Week Online Course is a deep dive into creative freedom. You can Register here for her wait list and to receive a FREE journal lesson: Harbour & The Art of Dwelling.

Amanda has just launched RAW (e)nergy, a 30-day email course to energize and inspire creative process and practice. Amanda is offering a 15% discount to the listeners of this podcast. You can register here with the promo code: MYLEFTBRAIN.

Here are some great takeaways from this episode:
- Recognize that your self-expression is inherently creative, whether you call yourself an artist or not.
- Being creative does not mean that you can draw well. You can be creative through many things that you do, in how you do them and why you do them.
- Journaling can be used as a form of self-expression, and it can include art with it or it can be just words.
- Journaling is a creative practice through which you use a combination of writing, painting, and collage, in a way that connects you to your inner wisdom, clarity, and guidance.
- Anyone who feels they are not creative can still recover their creative self if they take the journey back to the essence of who they are.
- In a pilgrimage it can be a solitary thing, but there is room for others to go on all of it or some of it with you.
- Self-expression is valuable because of the process. The outcome is not what matters.
- Journaling is a vehicle for all you know and an oracle for all you have yet to know.