Nicole Galluccio entered college to study biochemistry, with the hope of becoming a doctor. Despite being awarded a scholarship for chemistry, her teacher thought her medical illustration skills were so exceptional that she should pursue art. She ultimately received a Bachelor’s in Fine Art, and is now a professional artist. She has developed a unique style of acrylic paintings using dozens of bold colors with a pop art feel, and she pursues every art opportunity that comes her way.
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Here is Nicole Galluccio at the opening of her show where she painted fifty album covers.

I hope you enjoyed listening to Nicole Galluccio. Here is where you can find her:
Here are my takeaways from this episode:
- Look for Calls to Artists so that you can apply to shows at galleries, museums, or shops.
- Seek out live painting opportunities. You will get practice public speaking, gain confidence, and receive feedback from the public.
- Paint every day; you will get more efficient and get to know your products better.
- Make your own opportunities by meeting other artists and visiting galleries to see what is out there.
- Say yes to everything, even if it’s outside of your comfort level.
- At the end of the year, update your resume and list out what you did last year.
- Then take a moment to make goals for the coming year: What art project have you been dying to do? What is something that will challenge you?
In my mini business episode that I’ll be posting on Friday, I’ll be talking more about how to update your resume and CV and make plans for the coming year. Be sure to give that a listen.