Desha Peacock is a creative business coach who works one on one with creatives. She also provides online classes, and offers retreats in Mexico. She actually spends part of her year in Mexico. She tells me how she got into coaching and goes into great detail describing all of the wonderful things that she offers creatives.
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Desha Peacock

Desha Peacock’s website is Sweet Spot Style.
Be sure and read about her course offerings and go to her website if you’d like to get on the waiting lists for her next classes.
Her business Facebook page is Sweet Spot Style, and you can find her on Instagram @deshapeacock.
Desha has some free resources to offer. One is a free 20 minute clarity call that you can schedule to talk to her and see if her coaching would be right for you.
The other is a free training to help you grow your email list.
Desha spends part of the year in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and that is where she holds her retreats. Here is a map so you’ll know where that is.
Desha referred to the book The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte. Here is a link to its Amazon page.
Desha has partnered with artist Molly Hatch to offer her Thrive online class. Here is a link to Molly’s website so you can learn a little bit more about her.
Here is a link to Desha’s books on her website so that you can order your own copy.
Here are some great takeaways from this episode:
- If you can find just one person in the world who is doing what you want to be doing, then you know it is possible.
- Once you figure out what you want to do, you have to be confident enough to claim it and go for it.
- Desha follows the philosophy from The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte: Connect first with your core desires, and then you do things that help you have a desired feeling. You’re going for a feeling and not a thing.
- Desha refers to that as her lifestyle intention, and she refers back to that every day to make sure she’s on track.
- Your creative workspace is very important to the output of your creativity.
- She uses the platform Teachable for her online courses. It provides a way for the students to have discussions with one another during the class.
- Don’t rely just on your Instagram and Facebook followers for your entire list. You should also develop an email list, because those people will be your superfans and you can control and maintain the engagement regardless of what the social media algorithms do.
- People buy three times more from email marketing rather than social media marketing.
- You may think of email as the old school way of marketing, but it’s still number one.
- An email list will help you develop the relationships so that you can make bigger sales in the future.
- Work on one or two social media platforms and get really good on them before you move on to another one.
Desha really emphasized the importance of having a good email list. I will be talking about that further on my bonus business episode #96.

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