#98 Trying Out New Tools and Materials
When working to develop your artistic style, it’s a good idea to try a lot of tools and materials. I try high flow acrylics, air brush medium, and watercolor markers, and I explain what they are and what I think of them. I also recommend my favorite kinds of pens and paint pens. Mark making has become very popular with mixed media art, and I suggest many tools and techniques you can use.
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Here are some paintings I did trying out new materials.

You can visit the Golden Paints website to learn more about their paint products.
The gelly roll pen website lists all their pen offerings.
On Instagram, look for hashtags that may give you some art ideas, like #poscapaintpens, #markmaking, #sakuraglaze, #gellyrollpens, #highflowacrylics. You can also find process videos on YouTube.
- Post category:Season 1/Show Notes